The Sanhedrin English The Sanhedrin English

Hachrazah 5770 Kislev 15

Jerusalem Court for Issues of Bnei Noah
Tel: 02-5661962, cell 050-6733831, fax: 057-7976007
Email: 47 Rachel Imeinu St. Jerusalem 93228

From November 29 - December 1, 2009, representatives of the Jerusalem Court for Bnei Noah met again with Mr. Adnan Oktar, also known as Harun Yahya. We were very pleased and inspired with the results of the meeting. We were happy that we were able to express our desire to strengthen relations between Muslims and Jews on the basis of Scripture. We were happy that we were able to discuss what we call "the Laws of Noah". We greatly appreciated the warm and friendly way that we were received by Mr. Oktar.

It was especially valuable to hear Mr. Oktar say that, as a very devout Muslim, he understands it his obligation before G-d to preserve and protect the Jewish people and look to their welfare. His championing Creationism, and his opposition to Darwinism and the effects of secular humanism, is something we wish to support. We hope to meet again to further explore possible ways in which we can cooperate together to encourage devotion, sincerity, and bring about a greater sense of awareness of G-d among Muslims, Jews and all the peoples of the world.

We recommend his publications "Atlas of Creation", "Evolution Deceit", "Islam Denounces Terrorism", and "Wisdom and Sound Advice from the Torah" to that part of the Jewish community which is familiar with these subjects, the laws of "Bnei Noah", and related issues. We are exploring ways to use them to help defuse tension between Palestinians and Israelis by supporting devout and sincere believers on both sides.

The meeting culminated in a live broadcast on several Turkish TV stations, and other channels. The interview is archived here.

Click for a transcript of the live broadcast

Click for R' Hollander's interview notes

Click for R' Abrahamson's interview notes

Click here to see the Hebrew version

See also

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